HomeCharts and Dashboards

Creating dashboards

Dashboards are a nice way for others to view and interact with your model. It shows your model's input variables at the top, with its charts underneath. You also have the option to show them a read-only spreadsheet view too.

Dashboard viewers can adjust the value of the input variables (see below) to see what happens in different situations. These changes aren't saved to your model, unless they have edit access, in which case they'll see a "Save changes to model" button.

Dashboards can be useful in various contexts:

  • For sharing with current or potential investors
  • For collaborating with non-finance team members
  • For model-builders that want to zoom out from the detail of the spreadsheet

Adjustable inputs

Each variable in the Inputs section of your model will appear as an adjustable input at the top of the Dashboard. See more on the Inputs section here.

The adjustable inputs section of the Dashboard is split up into tabs if variables are grouped. This makes it easy to navigate when there are lots of input variables.

If you don't want a variable to appear as an adjustable input, move it out of your model's Inputs section.

Text on Dashboards

You can add text on your dashboard to add commentary alongside your visuals or metrics!

Model descriptions

Add a description so you can give others context on what the dashboard/model is they're looking at (head to the gear icon in the top-right, under "dashboard mode").

Add and edit your description in the settings of the model
How the description appears on your dashboard

Read-only spreadsheet view

If you want to allow other users to view your underlying model spreadsheet, without letting them edit it, share your model with view access, then turn on the Read-only spreadsheet toggle under the Share settings.