Accessing DBs via SSH

Explains how certain BI integrations can configure SSH

Causal allows you to configure access to your warehouse (Postgres, Redshift, MySQL) via an SSH tunnel.

To configure this, in the creation stage of your warehouse connection, you can supply the hostname and port of your SSH server.

Causal requires that a user called causal is created on the remote SSH server and that the following public key is associated with it:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIP9DCR3hBNU/01YU9iK1JMKx2HNsK1+3ChWj3yBqb+Kr causal

Note: If configuring access to your warehouse via SSH remember to update the database hostname to be the database’s IP internal to your network.

If you wish to update an existing connection to use SSH please contact us.