Category modifiers

Category modifiers allow you to slice & dice referenced variables within formulas, using the related categories & category items. For the 101 on Categories go here.

Grouping by linked categories

Once you've linked categories together, you can then easily slice variables along different categories.

Example: we have an Employee category, which is linked to a Team category. By default, we've worked out Salaries by Employee, and now we're interested in seeing Salaries by Team.

Click on the Category icon in the referenced variable in the formula, and then select the desired category and click Group By.

Filtering by category items

Sometimes you'll want to select a single item from a category and use it in a formula.

Click on the Category icon in the referenced variable in the formula, and then select the desired category and then click on the individual item you want to filter by.

Example: if I want to do a calculation only based off the Engineering Team's salaries, you would select engineering under Team.

Aggregating away a category

Sometimes you'll also want to aggregate away a category, if you no longer care to see that level of granularity.

Example: If I've filtered Salary by Employee for just the Engineering Team, but I no longer care to see the Employee breakdown, I would aggregate the Employee category.

Other ways of using categories

There are a few other ways that you can use / manipulate categories and category items within variables and formulas, that are not Variable modifiers in formulas.

Aggregating at the variable level

Sometimes you might want to change how a variable aggregates it category items. Causal's default is to sum the category items, but see Category aggregation for more options.

Category items in formulas

You can also reference category items within formulas.